Kevin Nguyen

My name's Kevin, I'm 21 and I'm born in Canada, Ontario.
I'm a beginner artist who's trying to get into Sheridan Animation Program.
In my free time I usually play games, watch anime, learn the violin and draw. I decided to upload my portfolio here so I can see my improvement along the years, I want to see how much improvement I made during each portfolio.

-Portfolio 2019-
I didn't get accepted, This was my first Portfolio and my first time actually drawing things in perspective. I only started drawing a few months before the Portfolio was due.... My mark was a 62%

-Portfolio 2020-
This is my 2020 Portfolio for Animation. I just handed finished and honestly I could see the improvement in life drawing and perspective drawing.
I didn't get accepted. My mark did improve but it wasn't enough to get accepted to the program. My mark was a 66%

-Portfolio 2022-
This is my 2022 Portfolio for Animation. I personally think I improved a lot.
I didn't get accepted. My mark did improve but it wasn't enough to get accepted to the program... again.. My mark was a 77%

-Portfolio 2023-
This is my 2023 Portfolio for Animation. I'm attempting again..